Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Christmas Song of the Day 5 - Leighton Meester

Yes, it's Blair from Gossip Girl. Personally I prefer her singing. I love this Christmas song of hers. It's become one of the songs that have to go on our Christmas playlists every year now. To experience more of Leighton Meester's singing talents, you should checkout 'Country Strong.' It was a really sweet, real movie with real characters. And all the actors can sing wonderfully. I was impressed. 

Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Christmas Song of the Day 4 Taylor Swift

This is probably the most unslutty version of 'Santa Baby' that I've ever heard. It's cute and it's Country. Enjoy! :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Christmas Song of the Day 3 - Dolly Parton

Well my Christmas song list is really starting off with nontraditional songs. Here we have Dolly Parton's Hard Candy Christmas. I heard it yesterday for the first time and it's just so sad but cute. It's for everyone who is going through something crappy during the holidays. If Dolly can get through, so can you.
Enjoy :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Christmas Song of the Day 2 - Lady Gaga

This Christmas song is probably the least... ah what's the word I'm looking for...? Well Basically it's Lady Gaga, do I need to say more? But it's upbeat and puts a smile on my face. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Christmas Season is here!!

Hey everyone!!

So we've decided to start getting that awesome Christmas feeling a little earlier this year. We bought a new tree yesterday and today we bought some lights and tinsel. I'll post pics in my next post.
And we also made a Christmas mix CD.

Christmas for me isn't about the prezzies (although I do love me some prezzies) I love that it brings my family closer and it seems to make us all happier. I love the team effort in decorating the tree, buying the candies and what not and everything else. I really love this Season! It really is the most wonderful time of the year.

To build up the feeling I'll be posting my favorite Christmas songs each day on here. I hope you like it :)

To start us off is "Last Christmas"
Although it's not a typical celebration-y Christmas song, it's one of the songs that instantly gave me that holiday feeling I love it! It's originally done by Gorge Micheal, which is the version I fell in love with but the covers of it are really cute too. Ashley Tisdale, Taylor Swift and the Glee cast have done it, among others. Today I'll be posting the Glee version. I'll probably post the other three versions aswell during the build up :)

Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

First attempt at making a video... failed

Today I got all excited and ready to make a ukulele video. I guess I should've known that a lot of practice needs to go into playing and singing at the same time. Also my video camera isn't being very nice, it doesn't want to be found by my computer. So I tried to record with my phone camera, how silly! Anyway it was fun preparing for it and getting my songs ready. I shall practice a lot more and then try again.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Oh no, more options...

So I found a new website with a whole lot more ukulele tabs. Then I also realized that you can do guitar ones as well but obviously play it in the ukulele chords. So I have a lot more options now.
Like my brothers said, I should pick one song and stick to it until I get it 100%, that makes sense. But I guess I'm trying to find the best song for me to play. There's a lot of cool ones but I'd like one that comes the most natural to me. So I'm working on that.
So this week ahead will be filled with me attempting to finally play (and sing) eeek! A whole song. Also I need to start thinking about making things that could sell for the next markets. I've been toying with the idea of having a clearance sale and just giving up on that for now.
I'd like to say I'll give it up for a real job but that's not as easy as it sounds. I think I'm quite keen to leave this place. I love it here but it just seems so much more difficult to actually live here. If my family wanted to, I'd be happy to leave tomorrow. Anyway, for the time being I'm happy just doing what I do.

My little zombie that I need to re-create.      

Friday, October 14, 2011

Awesome day

Hey everyone!

This week has been really nice and chilled. Tomorrow I don't have a market to go to and sell at for the first time in a while. So my Saturday can be nice and chilled. We rented X-men and got KFC and we're going to have the yummiest ice cream sundaes. I kinda love my quiet little life :)

I'm excited, my friend found her grandfather's ukulele and now we can ukulele together! :D

Oh also I didn't end up doing a video today, I'm sure I'll do one on Monday.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ukulele Covers

So I really want to do a ukulele cover now and perhaps put it on 'the youtube'
I'm deciding which one to do first. Here is my little list of options;
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
Bubbly - Colbie Caillat
The song from the Blue Valentine attraction
Such Great Heights - The Iron and Wine version.
Follow you into the Dark - Deathcab for Cutie.

Hmm, I don't which one. I'm going to try it out tomorrow. Fingers crossed I can actually sing :p

Me, Mimi and Uki,

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Awesome song my brother made

Brown Sugars
Click the link above to hear it. It's 'witch house.' Really cool, have a listen and comment on it :)

Monster High


I've become somewhat addicted to Monster High. If you haven't watched any of the webisodes and you've got some free time; it's a whole lot of fun. This is the first episode. There's about 80 or so episodes so far. And I couldn't resist getting a Ghoulia doll. She's in her blood splattered jammies and she's eating brain puffs! I love it! I'm pretty sure she's not the last one I'm gonna get... what? I love collecting toys! :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My ukulele

It doesn't have a name yet. I know, that's disgusting! I had intentions of calling it 'Elvis' or 'Mahalo' but I found myself forever calling it 'Uki' so I've kind of stuck with that.

Anyway its so fun! I started out thinking that non-hawaiin people playing ukuleles were just down right silly. But I started warming up to the idea of being one of those silly people. I saw that the music store had one for cheap and one day I saw they had a pink one for even cheaper! I decided that I had to have it! So I made a bit of money and I marched in there, my mom demanded a discount and I got my pretty pink uki for only R200!

So I'm not talented in the instrument department at all. I've tried to play other things but I'm just not that way inclined. But to my wondrous surprise the ukulele seems easier to me. Maybe it's just because I've never been more interested in learning to play other instruments before.

Here's a picture of Uki.

So I'm learning to play slowly but quicker than I thought I would. So you can maybe possibly expect a video soon? I dunno. I'll see if I can pluck up the courage to do it.

Hello again

Hey everyone!
So I've been really busy with the other blog but sometimes it's nice just to have something that's not all business.

As you can see I changed my blog a little, the colours and some pictures. This blog is no longer in denial about being a blog for my baking and stuff. It tried and it failed. So this is now just my outright personal blog.

Currently I'm obsessed with my ukulele, so you better believe there's going to be a lot of new posts about that. I wanted to add a uki post in here but it deserves its own post.

So that's all for right now.

Friday, August 26, 2011

New Blog

Hi everyone.
I have a new blog. It's different to this one. It's really an actual blog about my creative stuff. My plushies and my baking and I'll probably also start putting my artwork on there. If you'd like to check it out go ahead :

I'm currently working on building somewhat of a brand. I'm rather excited about the idea of doing this creative thing as an actual career. For now it is what I do in my spare time and its going alright. Its fun and I enjoy creating new things.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Refreshing my blog...

I seem to always start my posts offf by saying I haven't blogged in a while... well I haven't so...

I've deleted all the posts from this year, I might delete more. It doesn't really matter though...
Now that I'm here I forgot what I wanted to say. I hope to make my blog less about weird thoughts haha...

So here's a picture that I drew and I hope to make my blog a big more happy and a bit less of a bipolar fest :)