Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I started this blog because I wanted a place to show all the things that I create. So far I've made it about my crazy ramblings. So I'm going to stop pretending like this blog is about my cupcakes and just go with the natural flow of it being about me. I do apologize for previous posts, I sure know how to be confusing. Anyway I'd like to let everyone know that I am happy. I'm completely content at the moment. Yes I have just woken up but I am content :)

Xmas shopping is going well, we go every night but never seem to get around to buying anything, hehe. So far I've bought my brother and mom something. Tonight I'll get my shopping game on and get the other 3 something great. I was naughty, I bought myself a dress the other night. What? I know it's Xmas time and I could have waited for someone to buy it for me but it was so pretty and things are selling out quick.

Hmm that's all for now :) Oh! I'm busy making a list of possible things to do with my life, when I'm done I shall post it on here.

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