Monday, November 22, 2010

Good morning people who read my blog! I woke up this morning feeling absolutely great. Which is usually the case of every morning, I do love my life and everything in it. But lately I've been feeling rather down and by lately I only mean the last two days. As I'm sure you can tell by my whacked out moody last blog. Anyway! Last night I went to bed feeling really really low, you know, it was one of those nights where everything looks bad. I felt so down about where I had gotten to in my life... nowhere! To be completely honest I shed a few tears before I fell asleep. So naturally when I go to sleep like that I wake up like that. BUT not this morning, noooo this morning I woke up in a fantastic mood! At first I was like yay let me get working on my life, it's time for me to stop effing around now thinking that writing or baking will get me anywhere in life. Then I thought to myself, why not make life easy for yourself and go study Graphic Design?? DUH! Like if I had to study something why not study something related to art? Because lets face it, I never ever want to study three years for a degree and then get a dreadful office job. Yes graphic design may also lead to an office job but at least I will get to be creative. That's all I really want in life is to be creative. Yes I know I might be setting myself up for a huge downfall, I'm gonna go check how much it'll cost and then that's probably going to ruin my day... oh shit :( Oh well, I'm going to pretend that isn't an issue right now. Anyway, that's all for now. I started making myself another robot face last night, to represent just how robotic and unfeeling I can be. But the picture wasn't working out too good, I think because at the time I wasn't feeling robotic and numb, I was feeling weak and sad so I gave up on the robot face and let my natural dumb human feelings run its course and now I feel good. But I don't have a picture to add to my blog... so here's an oldie that I did a while back.

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